Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's a...

... healthily growing baby! Hehehe... No, I am not going to reveal my baby's gender just yet. ;) My next ultrasound scan is due tomorrow during my check-up (entering week 27), but I won't be telling here yet about my baby's gender. Let's wait till the baby's born, ya. :)

Anyways, I was just checking on my weekly development over the Internet and I got the below illustration (and good info) from

Thinking of my baby in the above position, really makes my heart melt... Aaaaww... ;)

Looking at the illustration and imagining my baby's developing at that stage and in that position, nearly made me cry. Hehehe... I've been feeling my baby's movements more and more these past few weeks, some soft and some rather strong kicking, I must admit. When the baby's really active and I am stretching myself on my back, I can even see the bumps on my tummy my baby's making from it's movements. Even my dear hubby can feel the bumps. ;) Moments like those are truly precious. :)

Pregnancy so far has been wonderful. Yes, I've been diagnosed with pregnancy-induced asthma. Yes, I have had some complications during the earlier weeks of my pregnancy (I bled quite a bit. Not spotting, I practically did bleed out like I was menstruating. Huhu). Yes, my blood sugar level was/is a bit high (I haven't mentioned about being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, have I?? Hehe). Yet, overall, the experiences so far (and more coming) have been extremely exciting and humbling. These past few weeks even more so, as my baby's movements have become more and more prominent each day. There's even a feeling like a schedule is developing / has developed... The baby's usually up and active around 6-7am, between 11.30am-1pm, around 4-5pm, and these active movements usually stops by 10.30-11pm. :)

2nd trimester is ending soon... With the coming of my 3rd trimester, things will definitely work its way faster... Baby dearest, Mama & Ayah love you so much and are patiently counting the days till you are in our arms, safe and healthy... :)


Lady NK said...

bagusnye die pangun pagi dn tido malam..hehehe

Sisters said...
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dizzee said...

Hehehe... bagus, kan, kan, kan? Harap2 bila baby dah lahir nnt pun, dia akan baik jer... Amiin. :)